Python3 için ımagetk modülü

bu modülü indirebileceğim linki bilen var mı aradakşlar

Pycharm kullanarak indirdiyseniz sıkıntı çıkabilir. Pip yoluyla indirmeyi deneyin.

Kardeşim çok riaca ederim.Şunu bana en ince ayrıntısına kadar anlatır mısın…
Modulü nasıl entegre edicem…

olmadı bir türlü

install etmek için Consoldan :

pip install Pillow


pip3 install Pillow

örnek bir kod aldım google amcadan onuda denersin… :

# Simple enough, just import everything from tkinter.
from tkinter import *

#download and install pillow:
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

# Here, we are creating our class, Window, and inheriting from the Frame
# class. Frame is a class from the tkinter module. (see Lib/tkinter/__init__)
class Window(Frame):

    # Define settings upon initialization. Here you can specify
    def __init__(self, master=None):
        # parameters that you want to send through the Frame class. 
        Frame.__init__(self, master)   

        #reference to the master widget, which is the tk window                 
        self.master = master

        #with that, we want to then run init_window, which doesn't yet exist

    #Creation of init_window
    def init_window(self):

        # changing the title of our master widget      

        # allowing the widget to take the full space of the root window
        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        # creating a menu instance
        menu = Menu(self.master)

        # create the file object)
        file = Menu(menu)

        # adds a command to the menu option, calling it exit, and the
        # command it runs on event is client_exit
        file.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.client_exit)

        #added "file" to our menu
        menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=file)

        # create the file object)
        edit = Menu(menu)

        # adds a command to the menu option, calling it exit, and the
        # command it runs on event is client_exit
        edit.add_command(label="Show Img", command=self.showImg)
        edit.add_command(label="Show Text", command=self.showText)

        #added "file" to our menu
        menu.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=edit)

    def showImg(self):
        load ="chat.png")
        render = ImageTk.PhotoImage(load)

        # labels can be text or images
        img = Label(self, image=render)
        img.image = render, y=0)

    def showText(self):
        text = Label(self, text="Hey there good lookin!")

    def client_exit(self):

# root window created. Here, that would be the only window, but
# you can later have windows within windows.
root = Tk()


#creation of an instance
app = Window(root)
