Python'da AES implementasyon kodumda hata çıkıyor

import sys
sBox = [0x9, 0x4, 0xa, 0xb, 0xd, 0x1, 0x8, 0x5,
0x6, 0x2, 0x0, 0x3, 0xc, 0xe, 0xf, 0x7],

sBoxInverse = [0xa, 0x5, 0x9, 0xb, 0x1, 0x7, 0x8, 0xf,
0x6, 0x0, 0x2, 0x3, 0xc, 0x4, 0xd, 0xe]

#Round keys
w = [None] * 6

def mult(p1, p2):
p = 0
while p2:
if p2 & 0b1:
p ^= p1
p1 <<= 1
if p1 & 0b10000:
p1 ^= 0b11
p2 >>= 1
return p & 0b1111

def convertVector(n) :
return [n >> 12, (n >> 4) & 0xf, (n >> 8) & 0xf, n & 0xf]

def convertInteger(x) :
return (x[0] << 12) + (x[1] << 4) +(x[2] << 8) + x[3]

def addKey(s1, s2):
return [i ^ j for i, j in zip(s1, s2)]

def substitution(sbox, s):
return [sbox[e] for e in s]

def shift(s):
return [s[0], s[1], s[3], s[2]]

def keyExpansion(key):
def sub2Nib(b):
return sBox[b >> 4] + (sBox[b & 0x0f] << 4)

Rcon1, Rcon2 = 0b10000000, 0b00110000
w[0] = (key & 0xff00) >> 8
w[1] = key & 0x00ff
w[2] = w[0] ^ Rcon1 ^ sub2Nib(w[1])
w[3] = w[2] ^ w[1]
w[4] = w[2] ^ Rcon2 ^ sub2Nib(w[3])
w[5] = w[4] ^ w[3]

def encrypt(ptext):
def mixColumns(s):
return [s[0] ^ mult(4, s[2]), s[1] ^ mult(4, s[3]),
s[2] ^ mult(4, s[0]), s[3] ^ mult(4, s[1])]

state = convertVector(((w[0] << 8) + w[1]) ^ ptext)
state = mixColumns(shift(substitution(sBox, state)))
state = addKey(convertVector((w[2] << 8) + w[3]), state)
state = shift(substitution(sBox, state))
return convertInteger(addKey(convertVector((w[4] << 8) + w[5]), state))

def decrypt(ctext):
def inverseMixColumns(s):
return [mult(9, s[0]) ^ mult(2, s[2]), mult(9, s[1]) ^ mult(2, s[3]),
mult(9, s[2]) ^ mult(2, s[0]), mult(9, s[3]) ^ mult(2, s[1])]
state = convertVector(((w[4] << 8) + w[5]) ^ ctext)
state = substitution(sBoxInverse, shift(state))
state = inverseMixColumns(addKey(convertVector((w[2] << 8) + w[3]), state))
state = substitution(sBoxInverse, shift(state))
return convertInteger(addKey(convertVector((w[0] << 8) + w[1]), state))

if name == ‘main’:
getBin = lambda x: x >= 0 and str(bin(x))[2:] or “-” + str(bin(x))[3:]

secim = input('16 bitlik düz metninizi ŞİFRELEMEK için 1, ŞİFRE ÇÖZMEK için 2 ye basın.' + ', Çıkış için 0 a basın.\n')

if (secim == '1'):
    print('\nPlease note that you must include 0b (to represent binary)' + ' before your inputs')
    plaintext = input('Düz metninizi girin: (ex: 0b1101011100101000): ')
    key = int(input('Anahtarınızı girin: (ex: 0b0100101011110101): '), 2)
    print('Şifrelenen düz metniniz: ')

elif (secim == '2'):
    print('\nPlease note that you must include 0b (to represent binary)' + ' before your inputs')
    ciphertext = int(input('Şifreli metninizi girin: (ex: 0b0010010011101100): '), 2)
    key = int(input('Anahtarınızı girin: (ex: 0b0100101011110101): '), 2)
    print('Çözümlenmiş şifreli metniniz: ')
elif (secim == '0'):
    print('Programdan Çıkılıyor...')
    print('Geçersiz Seçim !')

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\enesk\AppData\Local\Temp\\”, line 87, in
File “C:\Users\enesk\AppData\Local\Temp\\”, line 44, in keyExpansion
w[2] = w[0] ^ Rcon1 ^ sub2Nib(w[1])
File “C:\Users\enesk\AppData\Local\Temp\\”, line 39, in sub2Nib
return sBox[b >> 4] + (sBox[b & 0x0f] << 4)
IndexError: tuple index out of range


sBox’un uzunluğunu geçen bir indeksi almaya çalışıyorsunuz.